The Impact of Marijuana on Teens
One topic that is fiercely debated in our world today is the legalization of marijuana. The United States Federal Drug Administration has long held that marijuana, also called cannabis, does not have any medicinal value and that recreational use is addictive and destructive. Proponents of legalization cite a variety of benefits ranging from the income produced through taxes, to the release of individuals in prison for “non-violent offenses,” to the benefits of medicinal marijuana. In fact, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, who is an assistant professor of neurosurgery at Emory University, and the chief medical correspondent for CNN, has now embraced the medical benefits of marijuana. Many states have decriminalized the possession of marijuana or legalized its use for medicinal purposes. In a 2022 poll, 59% of people say that marijuana should be legal for medical and recreational use. An additional 30% say that it should be legal for medical use only. Therefore, just over 88% of adults affirm marijuana to be legalized. Whether or not marijuana has medicinal benefits is a question for scientists to decide. With the trend toward the legalization of marijuana, it is imperative that all individuals understand one very significant fact: Teens are at a very significant risk of harm when they use marijuana.
According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, the part of the brain responsible for instinctive and aggressive reactions develops early in life. However, the part of the brain that develops reasoning and impulse control does not fully develop until early adulthood. Therefore, during the teen years, an individual has the capacity to react on instinct and respond aggressively, while not having a fully developed capacity to reason or think prior to action. Of course, parents are responsible to teach and train as this part of the brain develops. When marijuana is added into that developing brain, the teen’s ability to make wise decisions is even more impaired.
Dr. Madeline Meier and her team at Duke University researched the influence of consistent use of marijuana and its impact on neurological functioning. They followed over 1,000 people from age 13 to age 38. The participants, who were identified as persistent marijuana users during their teen years, averaged an eight-point reduction in their overall IQ or intelligence when their scores were compared with their on IQ scores at the beginning of the study. Additionally, there was significant decline in executive functioning (emotional control, ability to self-start, planning/organization, self-monitoring), memory, brain-processing speed, perceptions, and verbal comprehension). Finally, when those individuals stopped using marijuana, their level of functioning and overall IQ or intelligence did not return to its pre-marijuana levels. Therefore, when teens use marijuana persistently, it is literally like taking part of their intelligence, including executive functioning, and simply throwing it in the trash.
Additionally, use of cannabis during the teen years increases a teen’s risk of life-long mental health disorders. For example, according to “The age at which you start using marijuana also might make a difference. Earlier use, especially during the teen years, may mean a greater chance of having schizophrenia, perhaps because your brain is still developing during this time” ( This is especially true for individuals who have a biological family history of mental illness. For example, when a teen has a parent that has schizophrenia and also uses cannabis, that teen’s risk of also developing schizophrenia changes from one in ten, to one in five.
When someone is using marijuana or other drugs, and desires to stop, assistance is often needed. Twelve-step groups like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous can be tremendously helpful as well as assistance from a mental health professional. AA and NA have a long tradition of individuals clearly accepting responsibility for the consequences of their choices. Finding ways to help teens understand the dangers and long term implications of marijuana use without being judgmental may be a way to help them make choices that lead to positive consequences rather than negative ones in their future. If you are someone you know needs help, contact Olive Tree Family Counseling.